009 - How Customer Experience Shapes Your Brand w/ Coby Pachmayr

Brand. A term that means so many different things to so many different people. Most simply think that a company's brand is their logo and color scheme. For Coby Pachmayr, it is so much more. With a background in systems engineering and automation, Coby started Idea Spring, a branding and marketing agency with the unique focus on solving business problems through ongoing customer experience improvements.
Brand. A term that means so many different things to so many different people. Most simply think that a company's brand is their logo and color scheme. For Coby Pachmayr, it is so much more. With a background in systems engineering and automation, Coby started Idea Spring, a branding and marketing agency with the unique focus on solving business problems through ongoing customer experience improvements.

On this episode, Coby explains how your brand is shaped and defined by the product, service, and customer experience that you are delivering. All of which are areas that directly affect your brand through perception. How though, can you leverage something like automation to improve your brand?

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Creators and Guests

Alex Bass
Alex Bass
⚑ β€œThe Efficient Guy” πŸš€ Founder & Product ( @EfficientApp ) πŸ‘Ό Angel Investor ( @EfficientVC ) πŸ† @useMotion πŸ€– Automation & Integration πŸ”₯ Product Obsessed
009 - How Customer Experience Shapes Your Brand w/ Coby Pachmayr
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